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The story of an FBI agent sent to the badlands to investigate a series of murders, where he soon discovers his Indian roots, and the prejudice that exists. (texto oficial do distribuidor)

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inglês Washington's "Redskin" Kilmer (now they would probably call him Football Team, but that’s beside the point) leverages mescaline trips from a year-old Stone flop to discover, as an FBI agent in ravaged territory, what blood runs through his veins and how poisoned is that of those involved in its plundering. A slightly mystical neo-western that sent out a few smoke signals regarding the issue of "Americanization" of Native Americans, but in terms of crime and thriller, it didn’t fully utilize its potential. However, there remain The Boss's "Badlands," the purity of Deakins's imagery, and the playful character of Crow Horse, Graham Greene, who can effortlessly determine, based on the depth of your footprint, whether you successfully engaged in masturbation that morning. ()

Galeria (16)