Carter Emmart

Carter Emmart


Carter Emmart has been involved in all five of the Museum's Space Shows. Emmart was one of the original Museum team members on the NASA-funded Digital Galaxy Project that helped redefine how a planetarium theater can present science to the public through immersive data visualization.

Emmart directs the in-house Space Show production at the Museum and has collaborated with visualization teams at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and the San Diego Supercomputer Center. Emmart, who previously worked at NASA Ames Research Center and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, received his B.A. in geophysics from the University of Colorado, where he was an organizer of the Case for Mars Conference series.

In May 2006, Emmart received an honorary Ph.D. from Linköping University in Sweden, in part for advising a graduate intern program hosted at the Museum that developed the means for planetariums and classrooms worldwide to simultaneously interact within the Museum's Digital Universe 3D Atlas.

American Museum of Natural History



Dark Universe


Journey to the Stars



Cosmic Collisions

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