José Escobar

José Escobar

nasc. 22/10/1908
Barcelona, Cataluña, Espanha

mor. 31/03/1994 (85 anos)
Barcelona, Cataluña, Espanha


The father of characters such as Zipi y Zape, Carpanta, Petra, criada para todo, Doña Tula and Don Óptimo, Josep Escobar was one of Spain's best known strip cartoonists, considered to be one of the "five greats" at the Editorial Bruguera. He was also one of the pioneers of animated cartoons, working as art director and animator on projects including El fakir González en la selva (1941) and the series Garabatos Tururut (1942-1945) as well as writing and directing short films such as Civilón y la sirena (1942), Pituco, fumador (1943), El cascabel de Zapirón (1943) and Civilón y el pirata Aguarrás (1944). Érase una vez..., his only feature film, on which Alexandre Cirici Pellicer was the co-director, screened in 1951 at the Venice Mostra.

Festival de San Sebastián

