Billie Ritchie

Billie Ritchie

nasc. 14/09/1878
Glasgow, Scotland, Reino Unido

mor. 06/07/1921 (42 anos)
Los Angeles, California, USA



Charlie Chaplin, le génie de la liberté (filme de TV) - i.a.


Chaplin's Goliath - i.a.


The Funniest Man in the World - i.a.


A Twilight Baby


Wet and Warmer


A Lady Bell Hop's Secret


A Neighbor's Keyhole


A Waiter's Wasted Life


Are Married Policemen Safe?


Roaring Lions on the Midnight Express


Son of a Gun


The Fatal Marriage




Wild Women and Tame Lions


His Smashing Career


Nellie's Nifty Necklace


Scrambled Hearts


The House of Terrible Scandals


A Bold, Bad Breeze


A Friend, But a Star Boarder


A Meeting for a Cheating


Bill's Narrow Escape


Billie's Reformation


Billie's Waterloo


Blue Blood But Black Skin


Cold Hearts and Hot Flames


Crooked from the Start


False Friends and Fire Alarms


His Temper-Mental Mother-in-Law


Knocks and Opportunities


Live Wires and Love Sparks


Scars and Stripes Forever


She Wanted a Ford


Twenty Minutes at the Fair


Where Is My Wife?


A Doomed Hero


After Her Millions


Almost a Scandal


Bill's Blighted Career


Bill's New Pal


Cupid in a Hospital


Father Was Neutral


Father Was a Loafer


Hearts and Flames


Hello, Bill!


In and Out of Society


It Might Have Been Serious


Life and Moving Pictures


Love and Sour Notes


Married on Credit


Poor Policy


Room and Board: A Dollar and a Half


Silk Hose and High Pressure


Sin on the Sabbath


Stolen Hearts and Nickels


The Avenging Dentist


The Butcher's Bride


The Curse of Work


The Death of Simon LaGree


The Fatal Note


Thou Shalt Not Flirt


Through a Knot Hole


Vendetta in a Hospital


When His Lordship Proposed


Lizzy's Escape


Love and Surgery


Partners in Crime


The Fatal Marriage


The Groom's Doom


The Manicure Girl


The Rural Demons

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