Betty Lucas

Betty Lucas

nasc. 31/05/1924
Coogee, Sydney, New South Wales, Austrália

mor. 07/04/2015 (90 anos)
Sydney, New South Wales, Austrália


Betty Lucas’ career spans 50 years, encompassing radio, TV, film and stage both in Australia and the UK where she initially played juvenile lead roles for 18 months at the Playhouse, Nottingham. In Australia Miss Lucas has played lead-ing and feature roles for commercial the-atre companies and all the State theatre companies.

Selected stage productions include Patate, opposite Leo McKern for the Melbourne Theatre Co, The Crucible, playing Elizabeth Proctor for The Old Tote, and later Rebecca Nurse for The Sydney Theatre Company; recently, Suddenly Last Summer for Company B and Aunty and Me for The Ensemble Theatre. In feature films Miss Lucas has appeared in Wendy Cracked a Walnut, My First Wife, Stanley: Every Home Should Have One, Rat Race, The Alternative, Between Wars and A Girl in Australia. She has made many appearances on series television and miniseries, recently in the popu-lar Australian television shows Always Greener, All Saints and Blue Heelers.

Sony Pictures Classics
