Nick Agiashvili

Nick Agiashvili

nasc. 20/10/1979 (44 anos)
Tbilisi, Gruzie, União Soviética


Coming from a family of writers and filmmakers Nika Agiashvili was born and raised in Tbilisi, Georgia. After graduating from Los Angeles Film School in 2002 and writing several feature scripts, Nika started directing short films in order to raise money for his features.

His first short is a four minute demo titled: The Short Happy Life of Butch Livingston. After completing Butch Livingston, Agiashvili wrote the feature film The Harsh Life of Veronica Lambert. The resulting script forged a new partnership with Executive Producer Jim Regan of All Over The Place Films, in which Agiashvili Directed and Produced the feature film.

Indican Pictures


