LaYeladim Sheli

(filme de TV)
  • inglês For My Children
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? %
Israel, 2002, 60 min


Michal Aviad


Michal Aviad


Living and raising children in Israel while the home television explodes with violence: When is it time to leave? Didn’t all the grandparents become immigrants because they, too, fled unbearable circumstances? And didn’t all of them come to Israel, now home to the filmmaker and her family? It is October 2000, the first two weeks of the second Intifada. New anxiety is mixed with fragments from family life experience as the filmmaker unravels her moral dilemmas and questions of survival. In a stream of images, public and private archives, home videos and great historical events unleash new meanings. This personal journey into the past leads the filmmaker to search for premonitions to guarantee hints of hope and safety for her children’s uncertain future in Israel. (DOK.fest München)
