We All Share Some Responsibility

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Burquina Fasso / França, 2001, 35 min


Aids and sexuality are taboos in Africa. For the first time, the silence is broken by the camera. Men and women in Burkina Faso, West Africa, talk about the female-male relationship: the methods of seduction: the power of money; man’s domination over women and the difficulties of using a condom. Out of ignorance about the disease, people, who are infected with Aids, are treated like lepers in West Africa. It is still believed, that a well-nourished person, cannot carry the virus. The film calls for a dialogue between the sexes, before Aids has a chance. It is a contribution to Aids-education. Doni-doni b’an bela: we all share some responsibility. Death is inevitable. But the death that can be avoided, we must avoid (DOK.fest München)
