Markus Raetz

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Suíça, 2007, 74 min


A trick of the eyes. Internationally established Swiss artist Markus Raetz has always been very secretive. For the first time ever, he has allowed his long-time friend Iwan Schumacher and his camera to look deep into forty years of his work. Like a magician, Raetz puzzles us with his visual illusions. His drawings, filigree installations and minimalist sculptures metamorphose in front of our eyes: a yes becomes a no, a rabbit transforms into a man with a hat. We enter Raetz’ studio in Bern, which is reminiscent of a research laboratory with its mobiles and workbench. We listen to the artist tell us, with surprising willingness, how a piece of art comes into being. We also hear his partner and model Monika’s personal comments. Through this close-up glimpse into the creative process of the artist, we get to know the man behind these amazing artworks. More than just a portrait of a great artist, this is a fascinating discourse about perception, bound to change our way of seeing. (DOK.fest München)
