Lake Forest Park

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USA, 2021, 60 min


A group of teenagers have to come to terms with the violent death of a classmate. The incident itself remains unspoken (only a radio broadcast at the beginning of the film refers, almost inaudibly, to the tragedy), but a sense of loss pervades this calmly observational film. The camera pays as much attention to the urban yet green surroundings of Lake Forest Park, a town near Seattle, as it does to the young people who live there. They go to school, hang out at the mall, or lie on the couch at home. Meanwhile, the rain pours, drowning out their conversations. With beautiful camera work reminiscent of films by Kelly Reichardt, filmmaker and photographer Kersti Jan Werdal lets the images speak for themselves. The editing, which draws attention at unexpected moments, emphasizes the sensation that something can change quickly from one moment to the next, shockingly and unannounced. Only the rain never stops. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
