
The film is a grotesque caricature of the hell of the period at the end of the war as well as the generally prevailing immorality and insensitivity. In the winter 1944 some passionate guests of the Végvári Dance School are dispersed by an air raid alarm. Adorján András, the cloakroom attendant's son steals a coat to sell it and then to buy the pretty street-girl's, Fussbaum Aranka's love. His mother sets out in the company of her children and Svéd Feri, her brother-in-law, to get her good reputation back. In the pursuit they do not take care to avoid disturbing other people's lives, either. They switch off their common sense, and they become the slaves of unpredictable moments. The stolen coat costs Svéd's and Zsuzsi's fiancé's lives, and the memory and hopeless misery of the journey has to be carried as a heavy burden by the survivors. (texto oficial do distribuidor)



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