

“Every day you stare into a fully stuffed fridge, but you don’t feel like eating anything. You know it, don’t you?” This way the perfect Mattias Nordkvist as Anders, a man in his forties who has long ignored his mid-life crisis, begins his story that breaks the “fourth wall”. At work he gets bullied by the ideas of an overly creative boss, he has to listen to talks about kitchen renovation at a visit, and he is bored at home. The moment he finds out that his nice, sweet daughter is one of the ridiculed kids in her class, Anders decides to take revenge. His transformation begins in small steps, but it cannot be stopped. The current satire that comments on the comfort of life of the Swedish upper-middle-class starts as the popular anti-hero stories about men who have crossed over to the other side of the law, but brings a surprising degree of emotion and honesty in its attempt to talk about family life. (Serial Killer)

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