
The film was made for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ady Endre, the poet. It evokes his impact and the void in the spiritual and intellectual life of Nagyvárad (Oradea) at the beginning of the 1900s and after his death in Hungary. Behind the death-mask of Ady a face appears. His death is first revealed to Rienzi Mária, the woman who infected him with the deadly sickness. The worn-out Orpheum singer mourns Ady with her famous trick, dancing on her hands. She remembers the red Orient Express and the waving hands of Ady and Léda as they leave Nagyvárad forever. The golden youth of the city, little poets and guests of the Orpheum as well as his enemies talk about him. A peasant lad arrives and expresses his sorrow upon learning that the poet is dead: he was about to write an article in order to prevent the fighting between harvesters on strike and the strike breaking Slovak peasants. (texto oficial do distribuidor)

