
1837. Erkel Ferenc is the conductor of the Hungarian Theatre in Pest. Urged by the young people in his entourage, he completes his latest work, Báthory Mária, using Egressy's lyrics, but he is not altogether satisfied with the final product. Liszt wants to take him on a tour abroad, but Erkel is stopped at the border by the music in his head of Hunyadi, his future opera. The premiere of Hunyadi is a proof for everybody that Erkel has undeniably created what is now regarded as the Hungarian national opera. Gotterhalte is now to be replaced by a national anthem: Erkel composes the music to Kölcsey Ferenc's poem. After the suppression of the revolution of 1848-49, he composes music to the drama of Egressy's lyrics (who, wanted by the authorities, is now working clandestinely), to create an opera version of Katona's Bánk Bán followed by Dózsa György, another masterpiece. In 1868, Erkel is the conductor at a festival of workmen's choirs. (texto oficial do distribuidor)


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