
Attenborough is a bra manufacturer who thinks that his search for the perfect brassiere will result in everlasting world peace. He spends his off-hours listening to classical music and conducting these recorded orchestras as though his flailing arms make a difference. His wife, MacLaine, contents herself with sitting at the sewing machine until it breaks down. Attenborough sends one of his men, Booth, home to repair it, and he and MacLaine get on so well that she installs him as her lover in the attic! Scotland Yard starts looking for the man as he happily sits in the attic studying various self-help books and making the small area into a decorator's showplace. Meanwhile, Attenborough is plagued by thumps and bumps from above, none of which MacLaine claims to hear. Attenborough is eventually hospitalized for nervous exhaustion, and Booth, who has read so much about the stock market that he is now an expert, passes on tips to MacLaine, who gives them to her husband, who promptly amasses a fortune. A few more twists, then Attenborough finally learns the truth about his wife and announces his intention to divorce and to return to his music. He gives his bra factory to Booth as a wedding present. The end offers a startling machination we will not reveal. Freddie Jones as a gay cop and Bob Monkhouse, longtime British TV star, as a psychiatrist, add to the fun. (texto oficial do distribuidor)



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carlos 2010 Blu-ray
DonGenero Outros
sullafelix DVD