Stopy - boje v Banskej Štiavnici

  • inglês Footprints: Fighting in Banská Štiavnica (título de festival)
Eslováquia, 2023, 59 min


This documentary is an inner search for the director's grandfather, Stefan Truban, who was a resistance fighter and hid persecuted people, deserters, and Jews in the vicinity of Banská Štiavnica during the Second World War. At the same time, he was a superintendent in Štiavnické Bane and carried out diversionary and intelligence activities. After the war he became the last democratic mayor of Banská Štiavnica before the rise of communism in February 1948. His grandson never met him, so in this quest, he not only learns about his grandfather as a person, but also uncovers wartime events in the Banská Štiavnica region. Through personal history, we thus explore the global one. (Art Film Fest)
