
Comédia / Drama / Romance
Reino Unido, 2024, 100 min


When Layla, a struggling Arab drag queen, falls in love for the first time, they lose and find themself in a transformative relationship that tests who they really are. Amrou Al-Kadhi’s propulsive direction shines alongside Bilal Hasna’s breakout performance, and while Layla, the character, may be going through some qualms about identity, the film itself is a proud queer love story — with all the complications involved. Under Al-Kadhi’s care, the audience is ushered into the sanctity of queer spaces, the nightclub and the beauty supply store, places for more than just entertainment, doors to a more embodied, honest existence, a home, an Eden of sorts. Al-Kadhi is unafraid to question who isn’t welcome in these spaces and the isolation one faces when certain demarcation becomes too clear to ignore. Layla is a tale of self-acceptance and community love, so come for some fun and boogie to all the club hits! There’s plenty of sparkle to go around. (Sundance Film Festival)
