
The story, which takes place in the reform era, centres around Mrs. Déry, a legendary actress, who, along with her fellow actors and actresses, travels around the country to become the herald of the Hungarian language, performing in villages and towns up and down the land as strolling players, a woman who is not put off by the prospect of starvation and the dearth of a home to return to and security to live in. It is she who persuades Katona József into writing Ban Bánk. Mrs. Déry is determined to perform in the German-language theatre of Pest, to prove that acting in Hungary is not to be sneezed at. To have a permanent Hungarian theatre is, however, considered a form of rebellion in the eyes of those who pull strings form Vienna. Mrs. Déry is, therefore, back to her career as a strolling player to give people comfort and hope for a better future through her songs. (texto oficial do distribuidor)

