
1920. The striving engineer, Szabó Barna, returns from captivity. He finds employment at Szegáll Co. The attention of the company's owner is called upon him and from the position of dog-walker he soon advances to become an official of the plant. He is nobody, but wants everything. At a party, he conquers Szegáll's daughter. The father does not refuse the idea of marriage. Szabó may finally pursue his old dream, i.e. Hungarian aluminium. Flóra, the school-teacher, is in love with him. Although the attraction is mutual, Szabó's attentions are in vain. The bauxite-business relationship with the Germans is ended by the boycott of Hitler. Szegáll, following a secret agreement, escapes abroad. Zsuzsa follows him with a sad heart. Szabó is only interested in his mission, bauxite and stays. This is not the kind of life Flóra dreamt about, and in spite of her love, she refuses him again. From here, the roads only lead downwards. Szabó goes to the dogs and goes bankrupt. (texto oficial do distribuidor)

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