
Mária, a celebrated actress, lives well and happily with her husband and two children. She takes up and teaches the young crowd actress, whose ambition, envy and selfishness far surpass her talent. She seduces Gábor, Éva's husband deceitfully. Upset, the cheated wife lets her children go sailing with the old sailor. A storm breaks out at Balaton and deprives Mária of her children, too. The tragedy makes Gábor return to her for a short while, but Éva proves stronger again. Mária returns to Balaton, to her children's memory. She adopts a motherless and neglected child and that gives her peace back. Into this peaceful and quiet life comes Gábor years later, worn out, lonely and deprived of everything. The two old people find each other again. (texto oficial do distribuidor)

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