
Master armourer Tomáš has young wife Alena, of whom he is very jealous. One day the ruler of town sees Alena and decides to win her over for himself. To get a free hand for his love affairs, he sends Master Tomáš to acquire more skills in Flanders. Jealous husband does not know how to secure fidelity of his beautiful wife while he is away, and finally accepts aid of the devil, to whom he signs his soul as a reward. Devil in the disguise of Master Ondřej works in Tomáš's workshop and protects Alena against various courtiers and the ruler of town. But finally he falls in love with Alena himself and becomes her lover. For his love he is punished by losing his supernatural powers, and so does not attract Alena any more. And when after three months Tomáš returns back, Alena swears she gave her body and soul to the devil only to save her own husband. By this confession she frees Tomáš from the deal with devil, but at the same time condemns herself to hell. Devil gained her soul as a replacement for that of Tomáš, and can return back to his fellow fiends. All that is left of lady Alena is just a black hole in the ceiling. (texto oficial do distribuidor)



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