Bizarr románc (Tanyasi dekameron)

  • Reino Unido A Bizarre Romance - Rural Decameron
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Hungria, 2001, 100 min


A mysterious factory is being built on the confines of a remote village. Jóska, mentally retarded, steals anything he can find, sells it to the innkeeper, who again sells it to the odd padre sitting in a wheel-chair. The village people depend on welfare payments and old–age pension, and all of them are drunkards. Jóska discovers that rubber women are produced in the factory, steals one, takes her home as a bride and hides her from everybody. Finding out that the puppet is the likeness of the beautiful shop assistant girl, he wants to take possession of the girl, but strangles her by accident. Now he drags the dead girl along, tells the padre to marry them, and when the padre mentions hanging instead, he lights a match and sets the gas cylinders on fire. Early in the morning he wanders about the remains of the house. From a distance, the merry-making in the pub can be heard. (GO Film Produkció)


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