Uma Família Muito Moderna - Season 2 (2010) (temporadas)

Quem ficava com a Lily? (S02E20)

  • Brasil Alguém para cuidar da Lily (mais)

Streaming (1)


Em busca de guardiões legais para Lily caso algo aconteça com eles, Mitchell e Cameron passam a avaliar secretamente a família. (Netflix)

Críticas (1)


todas as críticas do utilizador (para esta série)

inglês It wasn't bad at all, but the creators have proven to me more than once that they can be much bolder. Maybe I missed more involvement from Jay and Gloria, maybe the Dunphy's storyline wasn't crazy enough, but I would need something more for a fifth star. "Mum! Didn't you hear me yelling? I was stuck in the garage for about twenty minutes!" "And yet you didn't even bring the rat traps you went for. Thanks." "This is a mistake!" "Why does she keep saying that?" "The first words she heard when she was born." ()

Galeria (10)