
Comédia / Drama / Romance
USA, 2011, 75 min


David Lewis


David Lewis


H.P. Mendoza


This raucous sex comedy tells the story of a "straight" Texas fratboy who realizes that maybe all his man-on-man fantasies, going down on his buddies and falling for the only openly homosexual student on campus means he just might be gay. The setting is a Texas college circa 1982 where big hair, loud shirts and cowboy boots are considered high fashion. Here, men are men, women are just future wives and there is nothing gay about helping a guy out! Good ol' fratboy Kevin is straight as an arrow (if you don't count his gay fantasies when sleeping with his girlfriend, or daydreaming about his fellow frat brothers), but he begins to see things a little differently when he meets the sexy, together and openly gay César. Can a straight guy fall for another dude? And can Kevin continue going down on his old pal (Dylan Vox) under the belief that it is just fratboy hijinks? And will kissing César change him forever? (FilmRise)


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