
Historical crime drama, based on true events. A young and spirited woman becomes involved in a criminal gang that holds the Netherlands in its grip for years. Historical crime drama, based on true events. Through her husband Ties, the young and spirited Johanna becomes involved in the so-called gang of Oss, which convenes almost daily in her pub in this industrial town in Noord-Brabant. Led by the violent Wim de Kuiper, the gang embarks on a wave of crime and murder. Johanna wants to break with crime and gets help from unexpected quarters: the corrupt insurance agent Harry. But the more she tries to break free from Oss, the more she descends into fraud, prostitution and even murder. Meanwhile, the military police, coming to the rescue of the impotent police force, are determined to deal with the gang for good. As a result of their rigorous actions, the situation escalates even further. The gang of Oss held the Netherlands in its grip for years and caused the downfall of the last pre-war cabinet. The film tells a story of right and wrong, of power and impotence and of love and betrayal. (Nederlands Film Festival)

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