My Long Distance Friend

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Países Baixos, 2011, 73 min


Multimedia theater director Carina Molier tells two overlapping stories about traveling: when she was a child, her father was often away on business, and the beautiful Zimbabwan girl OG has been unable to take root anywhere and always wants to travel on. OG's present interacts with the past of Molier's father. The combination shows the finer points of an adventurous, nomadic existence. Molier questions whether her protagonists are the ultimate examples of cosmopolitanism, or perhaps just two lost souls. My Long Distance Friend seems to answer the questions Molier asked herself about her father's absence when she was a child. Central to OG's story is the fact that she became a mother at an early age, but was forced to let her mother raise her daughter because of her restlessness. While Molier captures OG's reunion with her daughter, she reflects on her own memories of her absent father and lonely mother. The result is a documentary that feels like an experimental diary entry, highlighting the fine line between being alone and the loneliness of traveling. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
