
The artistically impressive yet deeply murky anime, which has received high critical rating, is situated into the mid-15th century when the wartime rages and catastrophes almost changed Japan into the ghost land. A boy named Asura, after the dark deities known from Vedas, is born to a mother dying from hunger. Asura's despairing mother tries to dispense with the newborn baby - it is miraculously saved but sentenced to live a life of a wild animal. Asura learns to eat human flesh to survive, and thus his body and soul gradually transform into that of a demon. However, an enlighten monk and a beautiful girl one day cross his way... (Eiga-sai)


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inglês I think the subject matter used for this movie was certainly very interesting, and it makes for quite a terrifying story, all taken to absurd extremes. Sure, we are supposed to be shocked, wondering when a person stops being human and becomes a beast, and equally wondering how people manage to adapt to everything and survive in the end. It features a girl who sticks to her principles, and for this, we should perhaps cheer her on, or rather pity her, who knows. It has some depth even though the execution is too flashy and too over-the-top for maximum effect, which takes away some credibility. There are so many messages and perspectives crammed into that hour and a quarter that it is often hard to take in. As a result, I ended up slightly confused, with many thoughts about the plot and the characters' behavior. I had the feeling I did not know if I liked what I saw and what it left me with. I did not really like the animation, although the soundtrack was pretty well put together. Interesting, over-the-top, and a bit weird. 7/10. ()

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