Hardcore Chambermusic

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Suíça, 2006, 71 min


The Swiss musical trio of Hans Koch, Martin Schütz and Fredy Studer make chamber music with a difference. Their unique style fuses Bartók and Berio with Public Enemy and Bob Marley; electronic music combines with jazz and rock. This film cinematically reveals to us the work of three radical musicians. In September 2005 Koch-Schütz-Studer undertook a 30-night long residency at the Alte Schlosserei in Zurich, a venue in which audience and performers are brought together in a night-club atmosphere. Filmmaker Peter Liechti followed this musical marathon in which the trio played two partly improvised sets a night. His film matches the unique style of Koch-Schütz-Studer’s hardcore chamber music with visual flair and creativity. (DOK.fest München)
