Das Geheimnis der Riesenelefanten

(filme de TV)
  • USA The Code of Life – The Mystery of the Giant Elephants
Alemanha, 2012, 52 min


This film makes the attempt to solve the mystery of the giant elephants by means of elaborate research, spectacular tests and absolutely unique archive footage. What kind of force does a spear require to penetrate an elephant's skull? Were the spears used in those days able to injure an elephant in such a way? What kind of hunting techniques have to be applied in order to successfully hunt an elephant?
The results are startling: the human beings of those times, most probably the Neanderthal men, were much more intelligent as was assumed up to now. They were social beings with a language and an awareness who actively engaged in their environment and whose skills almost matched those of the modern homo sapiens. (texto oficial do distribuidor)



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