Take What You Can Carry

Curta-metragem / Drama
USA / Alemanha, 2015, 30 min


A journey through day and night, night and day. Lilly has been living in Berlin for a while. She is a US American passing through. She has a lover and no penthouse. The relationship is vague. "You come and go as you please", he says. "What do you mean?", she asks. "Nothing.", he says, "I'm happy when you're here." – "I'm also happy when I'm here." Then he plays guitar and she embraces him from behind. Only briefly, then she packs her suitcase. Lilly drifts between worlds and places. Looking for people and connections but remaining in the external. During rehearsals with the performance group Gob Squad, her thoughts and wishes thrive: words become actions. Back at the apartment, a letter from her home awaits her. Matt Porterfield calmly tells of the longing to arrive in quietly composed scenes. (Berlinale)

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