10 % Afriky

(filme de TV)
  • Chéquia 10% Afriky (título de festival)
Documentário / Curta-metragem
Chéquia, 2014, 26 min


Miloslav Doležal


Tomáš Kráčalík he has had enough. In three years, he underwent leukemia, fourteen had a brain tumor, seventeen other. When the last operation he damaged the optic nerve and practically see. On the left eye and the right at all so to 10%. But the humor of their own saying: "I see - but I live ..."
A live well. He lives in Ostrava alone in an apartment his father, works as a masseur, running, skiing, cycling and especially traveling. Due to the sport he gave up alcohol and stop smoking. It is a restless, energetic, friendly, with a great sense of humor - sometimes black, in relation to their handicap.
It is surrounded by friends and friends who take it on trips and sometimes larger expedition. Like virtually "blind" visited the Island, walked around Lake Baikal and fourteen days traveling through Namibia ...
A documentary film reveals a positive outlook on life with disabilities and indicates the path which should give many of us that life made sense. (Mezinárodní festival outdoorových filmů)
