Deals, Wheels and Steals

Reino Unido, 2015, 25 min


Banter, bull and barmy optimism: welcome to the fast-moving, smooth-talking world of Britain's best...and worst second hand car dealers. In a world full of faceless cyber shopping one small group of likely lads and ladies revels in the age-old art of face to face buying and selling...the second hand car dealers. In every show we will feature very different dealers as they survive on their wits and chase their dreams.

From used Porsche specialists to the denizens of rough and ready bailiff auctions their methods are the same - buy low, sell high and never concede you are offering anything other than a peach. Deals, Wheels and Steals is a fascinating and funny window into the world of one of Britain's iconic trades - a tribe that we all think we know but turns out to be full of surprises. Heart-warming and uplifting the second hand car dealers will have us talking, laughing and groaning - as they put their game faces on, prepare to do battle and take on the world one car at a time. (Independent Television)
