Natural Born Hustlers

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Reino Unido / USA, 2015, 3x60 min


Illusion, distraction, the double-bluff. You might think that lying and cheating are behaviours unique to the human world. But you would be wrong. Meet the animals who don't play by the rules in this intriguing new series revealing the science behind animal trickery. From double-crossing cuttlefish to underhand orangutans, devious dolphins to shady squirrels, Natural Born Hustlers discovers the remarkable animals breaking the laws of nature and going to elaborate lengths to claw their way to the top. Each episode of Natural Born Hustlers focuses on a key challenge in life - survival, finding food and family life. Starting with simple tricks, the episode works through amazing examples of cheating and deceit in addressing life's challenges, through to the ultimate animal hustle. (BBC)

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