
Katya, Zhanna and Irina are cheerful middle-aged friends. There are no secrets between them, they are used to trust each other and help with any problem. And these ladies do not have to look for trouble - trouble can find them by itself. What a happy event: Katya is finally getting married to her beloved professor Valentine! At their wedding Irina accidentally receives a DVD disc addressed to TV Channel "What?" When she tries to handover it to destination, she finds out that last evening the channel chief editor died of heart attack, the reporter disappeared, and the cameraman was shot dead in his apartment. Is the disc dangerous? Irina inserts it into her laptop, but all she can see is just an ordinary reportage from a fashion show. Suddenly she recognizes in a woman at the background... her friend Katya! Once again the three friends fall into the whirlpool of crazy events, and it will be hard to get out of it. (Prior Group)

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