Sixteen Legs

  • inglês Mystery of the Giant Cave Spider
Austrália / Nova Zelândia / Singapura / USA / Reino Unido, 2017, 102 min (Alternativo 44 min, Versão televisiva: 52 min)


Giant prehistoric spiders the size of dinner plates try to find love in the dark. As the world rapidly descends into the next period of global mass extinction, a message of hope comes from an unlikely hero: a creature, often reviled, that has survived previous mass extinctions and climatic change in a magical ecosystem hidden beneath one of the world's last great wildernesses. With spectacular imagery and a dark-fantasy twist, this is a real-world "Charlotte's Web", capitalizing on master story-teller Neil Gaiman's global popularity to bring a story of stability and solitude into our world of rapid change. (Santa Barbara International Film Festival)

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