Die beste aller Welten

  • Alemanha Die beste aller Welten (mais)


Adrian is seven and growing up in Salzburg. His young mother Helga and her boyfriend are both heroin addicts; his biological father died before he was born. Helga loves her son above all else. She is torn between her attempts to be the best mother possible and her need to fill the void inside with the consumption of drugs. In this world privation is the norm. What little money there is goes on heroin and although Helga keeps trying to kick the habit her efforts regularly come to nought. All of this is part of young Adrian's daily life. His world is nonetheless full of adventure and all kinds of experiences and he perceives his to be a happy childhood. It goes without saying that this happiness is far from being an innocent idyll. When Helga finally decides to face up to her addiction and undergo treatment it also means that she must – albeit temporarily – surrender custody of her son to social services. Their deep love for one another is about to be put to a huge test. (Berlinale)

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