Kronštadt 1921

  • Rússia Кронштадт 1921 (mais)


1921. The October Revolution and Civil War in Russia are over. However, the five years of fierce and bloody fighting have brought neither land nor factories, not to mention any guarantees of peace, stability and prosperity to the common people. There was hunger and devastation all over the country. The only place where life was just about tolerable was the city of Kronstadt located on Kotlin Island in the Gulf of Finland. However, the sailors of Kronstadt, formerly the main driving force of the Russian Revolution, soon realised that the new government had done nothing to put into practice the ideas for which they had all fought so valiantly. So, the Baltic Fleet sailors decided to advance against the current plight of the country and announced the start of a new, bloodless revolution against the "autocracy of the Bolsheviks." Thus, the events – later to be called the 'Kronstadt Revolt', then the 'Kronstadt Rebellion', and finally, the 'Kronstadt Tragedy' – that were to dramatically change the course of history started to unfold in March of 1921. (Star Media)
