Espions pour la planète

  • inglês The Warning - How US and Russian Secret Services Collaborated on Climate Change
França, 2016, 81 min (Alternativo 52 min)


Paul Jenkins


The amazing and unknown story of how American secret services partnered with their erstwhile Russian adversary, Russia’s main military intelligence organization the GRU; or how climate change forced the two rival blocs to collaborate. The world’s most powerful intelligence service, the CIA, engaged in the controversial area of climate change and extreme weather events in the immediate aftermath of the Cold War. This is the story of their cooperation with their Russian counterparts, the GRU. A story full of high politics, intelligence and awesome science ensued. Mutual suspicions turned into unexpected friendships and a utopian vision underpinned high efforts to secure a better future for our World. Their vision transcended diplomatic and ideological lines. (Arte)

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