Deadly Australians

Canadá / Austrália, 2017, 4x48 min


1. Forests: Deep in the Australian forests, lethal predators lie in wait to ambush their prey. Here, Amethystine Pythons lurk high up in the canopy, Tiger Quolls troll the forest floor, and deadly scorpions dwell in the shadows of the undergrowth.
2. Wetlands: The waters originating from highland streams flow through varied terrain before emptying into the sea. Along the way, an assortment of environmental niches set the stage for fierce battles between predators and prey.
3. Deserts: Behind the facade of Australia's dramatic scenery lurks a motley crew of silent assassins, con artists, gang members and brutal brawlers.
4. Oceans: Australia is home to the world's most toxic, venomous and dangerous creatures. From the oceans to the forest, swamps and deserts, it's a continent teeming with a hugely disproportionate number of creatures that can envenomate, poison or maim. (Love Nature 4K)


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