
In his directorial debut, veteran actor William Fichtner brilliantly meshes past and present, as his look back in time offers guidance for the future. Cold Brook follows Ted (played by Fichtner) and Hilde (co-star Kim Coates), two charismatic - albeit somewhat immature - colleagues and pals, who find themselves in the center of an otherworldly mystery. Upon encountering a confused stranger of unknown origin, the duo vows to find out who he is and bring him back to his home. To do this, they must unlock secrets from the distant past, placing their homes and everything they take for granted at risk. Fichtner's time-bending tale affirms that everyone, regardless of origin, deserves love and peace, a unifying message delivered in an overwhelmingly entertaining package. This promising parable is a beacon of light in an increasingly dark world. It also raises an important question: How far would you go to help a stranger in need? (Woodstock Film Festival)


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