Après l'hiver

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Suíça, 2015, 52 min


It is said that when school ends, the seriousness of life begins. But how serious can life be when you’re 16 or 17 and you can hardly think of what will be tomorrow? Melissa, Milca, Noémie and Hugo, four youths with no formal qualifications, are trying to make their way into the world of employment. Before being left to stand on his or her own two feet, each teenager is assisted in finding work during a special preparation year. But the fear of rejection increases with every letter of refusal. Based in Western Switzerland, filmmakers Bastien Bösiger and Adrien Bordone accompanied the four youths as they move from school desk to interview to traineeship. Après l'hiver shows us how difficult but equally exciting the road to independence and adulthood can be. (Zurich Film Festival)


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D: francês L: inglês