
SG-1 returns from an off-world mission proudly announcing to General Hammond that through an intermediate race, they have met a highly advanced alien race that's willing to form an alliance with Earth. In particular, they're willing to share their life-extending medical technology with us. When asked who this race is, Carter replies that it is the Aschen, a race that a future version of SG-1 had previously warned us about (episode"2010). At first unaware of the connection between this alien race and SG-1's warning from the future, Hammond orders Carter to team with Joe, a government envoy (whom she had married in "2010") and move ahead with negotiations. O'Neill, however, is somewhat suspicious, especially so when Hammond makes the connection SG-1's warning from the future. SG-1 returns to the planet to meet with the Aschen and find out the real truth about their new friends. (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM))

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