Viva la républica

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Cuba, 1972, 100 min


The American interference in the Cuban war of independence against the Spaniards at the end of the 19th century entailed a frustration of the rebels' desire to completely free the country of oppression. After the defeat of the Spaniards, the U.S. applied various tactics to make sure that Cuba would continue to serve their needs economically, politically, militarily, culturally, and socially. In Viva la républica, these tactics are analyzed step by step. The neo-colonial oppression of Cuba again resulted in a counteroffensive which would lead to the Cuban revolution of 1959. In the period between the war of independence, started in 1868, and the socialist revolution of 1959 there was a continuation in the aims and needs of the Cuban people. In Viva la républica the most important moments between these two revolutions have been put on film, exclusively using original footage from the period in question. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
