Kids + Money

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Curta-metragem / Documentário
USA, 2008, 32 min


In her 2006 documentary Thin, Lauren Greenfield offered us a glimpse into the world of anorexic teenagers. Money appears to be another key theme when you're young. In Kids+Money, teens from different backgrounds in Los Angeles tell their stories. Gabby and Alyssa are 16 and know that being a girl is very expensive. After all, you have to keep getting your nails done. Things aren't any cheaper for boys: 17-year-old Sean Michael has loads of sneakers. The question is whether money is more important for these teens than for kids from any other big city. They think it is. "Hollywood forces you." Zoe is 17 and one of the few people who seems able to escape the pressure; she's amused by the stupid things her family does when the money's gone. In stark contrast to 12-year-old Megan, who proudly counts her more than 30 pairs of jeans for the camera. What she wants in the future? Lots of money. She brushes aside her sister's suggestion: "A career?" 17-year-old Emanuel used to buy Gucci shirts to at least seem rich. In his mind, many people need money to be happy. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)

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