See My World

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Curta-metragem / Documentário
Dinamarca, 2002, 22 min


Asta is seven years old and lives in Copenhagen with her parents and four-year-old brother. In Se min verden / See My World, director Jens Bangskjær shows what Asta’s daily life looks like. She cracks jokes with her absent-minded father, goes to school, plays with friends, and goes to her fencing class. Some time ago, Asta still had the collywobbles, because her father and mother quarrelled a lot. Fortunately, that is over and done with now. Asta’s story is one of thirteen episodes of a series of portraits of seven-year olds in different countries. With this project, Bangskjær wants to counterbalance the worldview emerging from the newspapers and TV news. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
