Liebe Dich...

(filme de TV)
  • inglês Love Me You (título de festival)
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Alemanha, 2004, 92 min


Love me you is about special actors in an extraordinary theatre. The Ramba-Zamba-Ensemble in Berlin has been performing for over ten years and has had prizes heaped on it. The extraordinary thing about it: some of the actors were born with Down syndrome. With plays by Beckett and Sophocles, their repertoire is quite demanding. In the centre of it all are two young actors, Nele and Moritz. Both are in their early twenties and both are disabled. They appear on stage together in many of the ensembles production – and they are in love. The film sheds light on a world that most people regard as marred by deficits. It shows how a life can shine, when people are loved and cared for and have someone who will believe in them. (DOK.fest München)
