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  • inglês Divine Pig
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Documentário / Drama
Países Baixos, 2010, 60 min


Hans Dortmans


Hans Dortmans


Erik van Empel
(outras profissões)


A subtle investigation into the complex relationship between man and swine, Divine Pig begins with the birth of an adorable piglet named Dorus. The question here is if little Dorus will be around to see the film end. His owner is a butcher named Gerard Zwetsloot, and we watch as he raises the hog with considerable love and devotion, his goal being to slaughter him and sell the meat in his shop. Many of Zwetsloot's fellow villagers appreciate his initiative: what's better (and tastier) than a pig that has lived a long, stress-free life? Others think it's awful, even going so far as to buy Dorus's two predecessors and spare them from the inevitable. And secretly, Zwetsloot hopes they will do the same thing again. Director Hans Dortmans uses revealing footage from his childhood, back when his father and grandfather carried out the annual slaughter. In present day, he films his parents while they are making sausage. Their attitude toward pigs is sober-minded, just like that of an expert in xenotransplantation. To heat things up, Dortmans throws in a religious scientist and a Palestinian Muslim, both of whom believe pigs are unclean, and unsuccessfully looks for a scientific explanation for this. As for conclusions, Dortmans leaves them to the viewer. The film was developed during IDFA's Documentary Workshop in 2007. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
