Geweld Verhalen Karavaan

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Curta-metragem / Documentário
Países Baixos, 2011, 5 min


Adelheid Roosen


Violence Stories Caravan is an audiovisual installation consisting of 11 authentic portraits of domestic violence. Each portrait is a composition of one monologue by either perpetrator or victim, and three short fragments by sons, daughters, neighbors, family members, policemen on the beat and community workers, who give their account of what happened. All texts are renderings of interviews with men and women who either still find themselves in domestic violence positions, live in shelters, or have now been referred for psychiatric assessment. In all portraits, we hear the voices of the authentic people involved. The installation consists of 11 telephone booths in which the viewer can call in. The intimacy of the cabin causes a shift of characters: the listener is not only the audience, but also a witness. As an accidental bystander of violence, it is very important to realize that just your can be of help. For all interviewees, this has proven to be the first step in solving the downward spiral of abuse. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)

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