
Week 19: waarnemingen uit een wereldstad (Week 19: Observations Rrom a Global City) shows six days from the life in this city on the Meuse. In week 19 of 2003, a year after the murder of Pim Fortuyn, six filmmakers lodged on six different locations in the city: in venue Nighttown, in a bar on the Meuse Plain, in a supermarket, at Radio Rijnmond, in allotment garden complex Brienenoord and in City Hall. Sometimes, the different narrative threads meet, like during a meeting in city hall about alleged embezzlement in Nighttown. The makers are only present to operate the camera. They do not ask any questions. It is striking to see how natural everyone behaves in front of the camera. Mayor Opstelten may receive cameras in his office more often, the canteen of supermarket Bas van der Heijden and truckers' bar Routiers Maasvlakte never receive any attention from filmmakers. Because of this relaxed atmosphere, the spectator is practically a guest of the people portrayed. (Nederlands Film Festival)
