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  • Drama
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Críticas (2 881)


Elektra (2005) 

inglês Elektra is by no means a great film, but at least you won't get bored and you won't laugh at it (like Catwoman). The action scenes are sometimes messy (with excessive editing in the final fights), but some of them are really well done (the training), and there are some excellently shot sequences where the protagonists use throwing weapons (shurikens, daggers, knives, etc.). Everything is complemented by a solid musical score, so I'm actually satisfied with the final product. It may be slightly overshadowed by the action masterpiece Mortal Kombat, but it's not completely bad either.


Catwoman (2004) 

inglês The only thing that saves it from being utter garbage is Halle Berry in a leather outfit and Pitof's unusually conceived visual stylisation of the film.


Psico (1960) 

inglês Alfred Hitchcock is a master at creating a dark atmosphere, the constant rain, black and white composition, the old house, and a few shots of a heavily clouded sky literally predicts evil, accompanied by brilliant music. Overall, this film was revolutionary for its time and something unseen. Today? The power and shock have somewhat diminished, times are changing after all, but even after all these years, this film still has something special.


13 Going on 30 (2004) 

inglês Some scenes are quite original and the script is decently put together for a romantic comedy, but the ending is a shame, it was overly sugary, with everything turning out exactly as it was supposed to.


Efeito Borboleta (2004) 

inglês I haven't seen such a good handling of the concept of time travel in a very long time. And what's more, the whole project is full of originality and imagination.


Chinatown (1974) 

inglês The basic structure of the story is quite similar to L.A. Confidential, with mysterious murders, a lot of peripheral characters, a foggy and unpredictable plot, and slowly revealing connections that gradually fit into a complex pattern of the motive of the murder. Roman Polanski brilliantly captured the atmosphere of a classic noir film. Throughout most of the film you can see a constant twilight, which gives it a special mysterious touch.


Poltergeist (1982) 

inglês The film has an excellent technical side (where Spielberg's work is most visible) and the nomination for visual and sound effects is, in my opinion, absolutely deserved. The ending is literally a whirlwind of directorial ideas, various visual tricks, and throughout the film, we can see scenes masterfully set with lights. Maybe if it had a faster pace, I would have pressed for a higher rating.


O Protegido (2000) 

inglês Shyamalan's originality cannot be denied, and in a certain sense, his creativity and inventiveness are evident in every one of his films. However, the story didn't feel as powerful to me as in The Sixth Sense, nor as dynamic and suspenseful as in Signs.


Hook (1991) 

inglês Unfortunately, one of Steven Spielberg's weakest films. The production design is truly stunning, the visuals are fantastic, and the whole thing has a very strong fairy tale atmosphere. Spielberg also plays masterfully with light and shadows and has a lot of fun with the camera. However, what he achieved in terms of visuals, he lost in terms of content.


The Replacement Killers (1998) 

inglês A simple, extremely stylish piece, a thoroughbred 90's song, reminiscent of John Woo in many ways. First-class imagery, you can't ask for anything else.